RODENTHOR® Block Bait Rodenticide
A true single feed rodenticide
RODENTHOR Block Bait Rodenticide has been specifically developed for Australia using the highest quality ingredients, to ensure it is irresistible to our rats and mice. Aromatic feeding attractants ensure the rodents are lured to the bait. A high protein food base then ensures feeding on the bait.
The 15 gram extruded block has been designed with a central hole and several sharp corners that increase its attractiveness to rodents by providing numerous gnawing edges.
One feed is all that is required to kill a rodent. RODENTHOR Block Bait Rodenticide uses brodifacoum, the most potent rodenticide on the market and, with the smaller block size, it is optimised so you avoid using excessive bait, thus making sure your purchase goes further.
RODENTHOR Block Bait Rodenticide is ready to use and suitable for a wide range of areas, including damp or dry locations; in and around industrial, commercial, public services, agricultural and domestic buildings.